Where do you find your source of strength? What gives you energy and strengthens you?Some of us may feel like we're running low on energy, as if we're fading or giving up. For others, you’ve never experienced that power and have felt drained or defeated your whole life. My hope is that we see the power of the Gospel to energize and revitalize our lives. I believe the Gospel can be the source of strength for our lives. 

I’ve been using my eight-year-old MacBook Air for a long time, and one of the downsides of owning a computer that old is that the power cord has become charred and worn. As a result, sometimes it charges, and sometimes it doesn’t. For years, I ignored the problem, reluctant to admit that I needed a new cord. But eventually, I gave in and bought a replacement—at an eye-popping price from Apple. The moment I plugged in the new cord, my computer went from only occasionally charging to being fully charged all the time. It made me realize that this is what it's like when we exchange our fading, unreliable energy sources for the steady, unending power of the Gospel.

Understanding the nature of the Gospel is a great start to the journey of gaining energy from the Gospel. This past week, I watched an interview with mixed martial arts fighter Valentina Shevchenko, and she shared, "I get power from nature." What she was expressing is that the elements of nature—the sky, the trees, the sun—provide her with energy and support her mental well-being. In a much more profound way, the Gospel is filled with elements and truths that empower us.

What are some of the key characteristics or aspects of the Gospel that empower Christians? The first characteristic is deliverance. In Colossians 1:13 it says, “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the Kingdom of His beloved Son.” Deliverance involves being rescued from a state of bondage. In this passage, it reveals that Christ delivers us from the domain of darkness. The Gospel is so powerful it actually delivers us from the domain of darkness, with all it’s oppressive rulers, and transfers us into the Kingdom of light ruled by the Beloved Son, Jesus. The deliverance given through the Gospel empowers.

Another key characteristic of the Gospel is redemption. It is God reclaiming what was lost or taken from Him. Since the Fall of man, countless souls have been lost to the domain of darkness. The power of the Gospel lies in Jesus reclaiming what is His and redeeming them. 

Not only does He redeem individuals, but He is also redeeming the entire world. God’s redemption plan involves the complete restoration of creation, including the establishment of justice, the reconciliation of all people, and the end of physical decay and death (Isaiah 11:1-10). - Stephen Um

A third characteristic of the Gospel is forgiveness of sins. Sin is the rejection of God's authority and kingship. When God is not acknowledged as King, everything falls apart. Sin brings torment to the individual, creates division within communities, and leads to the rejection of God's rule. What the Gospel offers is the forgiveness of sins. How empowering is that? How powerful is that?

A philosopher once said, "Even though I don't believe in a Benevolent Father who is God, how wonderful it must be for those who believe, to be able to bring all their wrongs to Him and have them forgiven." It's a powerful recognition of the peace and freedom that come with forgiveness—something only the Gospel can offer. The ability to lay down our burdens, confess our failures, and receive God's grace is truly transformative, bringing healing and restoration to the soul. The forgiveness of sins brings healing to the soul, peace to the individual, and restores our connection to the worship of God.

The Gospel is like a priceless thousand-carat diamond, with endless facets to discover. We've only touched on three, yet each one holds incredible power for the life of a Christian. It's vital that this Gospel be shared with both believers and those who have yet to follow Jesus. For to believe in it is to be empowered to live a vibrant, powerful life.